Table Conventions

Table design matters because it is essential for building software applications that are scalable and capable of performing during high workload.

Table of contents
  1. Incorrect Inheritance Type
  2. Using Entity Attribute Value
  3. Incorrect Weak or Strong Table
  4. Nullable Columns with No Non-Null Records
    1. Nullable Columns and JOIN Elimination
  5. Column Named ????Id But No FK Exists
  6. Using Table Partitions
  7. Using Cascading Actions on Foreign Key
  8. NULL or NOT NULL Option is not Specified in CREATE or DECLARE TABLE
  9. ASC or DESC is Not Specified
  10. Unique Constraint or Unique Indexes Usage
  11. More Than 5 Indexes
  12. Less than 2 Indexes
  13. Disabled Index
  14. Leftover Fake Index
  15. Using sp_updatestats
  16. Filter Columns Not In Index Definition
  17. Column Has a Different Collation Than Database
  18. Low Index Fill-Factor
  19. Untrusted Foreign Key or Check Constraints
  20. Disabled Check Constraint
  21. Unrelated to Any Other Table
  22. uniqueidentifier in a Clustered Index
  23. Missing Index for Foreign Key
  24. Missing Primary Key
  25. Not Using a Surrogate Key
  26. uniqueidentifier For Primary Key
  27. Wide Table
  28. Heap
  29. Not Normalizing Tables
  30. Not Using Lookup or Reference Table
  31. System Versioned Temporal Tables are not Compressed
  32. Not Using Optimistic Concurrency

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Incorrect Inheritance Type

Check Id: 147 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Use the Table Per Type (TPT) 🗗 table design pattern.

The Table Per Concrete (TPC) 🗗 design is not good as it would have redundant data and no relationship between the sub tables. The redundant data would just be in multiple tables vs squished into one table with Table Per Hierarchy (TPH) 🗗. TPC would help with the extra nullable columns compared to TPH.

The Table Per Type (TPT) 🗗 table design pattern is performant with proper indexes well into the 100s of millions of rows and beyond. With proper indexes a query can join multiple tables and still execute in less than a second even for costly queries that scan indexes like exporting of data. Seeking on indexes for row-level queries like finding a specific CustomerId, should only take on order of 10s of milliseconds. Until multiple of billions of rows are a consideration there is no performance reason not to follow database norm form best practices. If you have slow joined table queries, you’re probably not using your database correctly.

TPC & TPH do not follow normal form.

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Using Entity Attribute Value

Check Id: 148 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

The Entity–Attribute–Value (EAV) model 🗗 falls victim to the Inner-platform effect 🗗.

The inner-platform effect is the tendency of software architects to create a system so customizable as to become a replica, and often a poor replica, of the software development platform they are using. This is generally inefficient and such systems are often considered to be examples of an anti-pattern 🗗.

In the database world, developers are sometimes tempted to bypass the SQL Server relations database, for example by storing everything in one big table with three columns labelled EntityId, Key, and Value. While this entity-attribute-value model allows the developer to break out from the structure imposed by a SQL Server database, it loses out on all the benefits, since all of the work that could be done efficiently by the SQL Server relational database is forced onto the application instead. Queries become much more convoluted, the indexes and query optimizer can no longer work effectively, and data validity constraints are not enforced. Performance and maintainability can be extremely poor.

Use Case Exceptions

Data that meets the following criteria might be okay to use the EAV pattern at the discretion of the software or database architect.

  • The definition of the data is highly dynamic and is likely to change numerous times of the course of the development and/or life of the application.
  • The data has no intrinsic value outside the context of the application itself.
  • The data will not be materialized in models but simply passed through the application layers as key value pairs.

Examples of valid use cases that meet this criteria are:

  • Application user preferences
  • User interface styling & custom layouts
  • Saved user interface state
  • Front-end application configuration

Another use case exception for utilizing an EAV model in a database is where the attributes are user defined and a developer will not have control over them.

Another use case exception for utilizing an EAV model is for something like a multiple product (entity) type shopping cart. Where each specific product (entity) type has its own list of attributes. If the product (entity) catalog only sells a manageable number of product different types the attributes, the attributes should be materialized as physical columns in the table schema. This type of EAV model will have diminishing returns for performance with more data housed in the database. Caching this type of EAV model will allow for a larger data set as to lessen the chance of performance issues. Ensure this is communicated to the stakeholders.

Basic table model for a product catalog that supports multiple product types

CREATE TABLE dbo.Attribute (
    AttributeId   int           IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
   ,AttributeName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL
   ,CONSTRAINT Attribute_AttributeId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (AttributeId ASC)

/* Insert values like "Size", "Color" */

CREATE TABLE dbo.AttributeTerm (
    AttributeTermId int           IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
   ,AttributeId     int           NOT NULL CONSTRAINT AttributeTerm_Attribute FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Attribute (AttributeId)
   ,TermName        nvarchar(100) NOT NULL
   ,CONSTRAINT AttributeTerm_AttributeTermId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (AttributeTermId ASC)

/* Insert values like "Small", "Large", "Red", "Green" */

CREATE TABLE dbo.Product (
    ProductId          int           IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
   ,ProductName        nvarchar(200) NOT NULL
   ,ProductSlug        nvarchar(400) NOT NULL
   ,ProductDescription nvarchar(MAX) NULL
   ,CONSTRAINT Product_ProductName UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (ProductName ASC)
   ,CONSTRAINT Product_ProductSlug UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (ProductSlug ASC)

/* Insert values like "Shirt", "Pants" */

CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductItem (
    ProductItemId int            IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
   ,ProductId     int            NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ProductItem_Product FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Product (ProductId)
   ,UPC           varchar(12)    NULL
   ,RegularPrice  decimal(18, 2) NOT NULL
   ,SalePrice     decimal(18, 2) NULL
   ,CONSTRAINT ProductItem_ProductItemId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (ProductItemId ASC)

/* Insert values product UPC codes and prices */

CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductVariant (
    ProductVariantId int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL
   ,ProductItemId    int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ProductVariant_ProductItem FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.ProductItem (ProductItemId)
   ,AttributeTermId  int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ProductVariant_AttributeTerm FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.AttributeTerm (AttributeTermId)
   ,CONSTRAINT ProductVariant_ProductVariantId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (ProductVariantId ASC)

/* Insert values that link Shirt or Pants product items to the attributes available for sale */

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Incorrect Weak or Strong Table

Check Id: 149 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Use the proper weak or strong table type based on the entity.

A weak table is one that can only exist when owned by another table. For example: a ‘Room’ can only exist in a ‘Building’.

An ‘Address’ is a strong table because it exists with or without a person or organization.

With an ‘Address’ table you would have a linking, or many-to-many table.

ResidenceId AddressTypeId PersonId AddressId
1 1 456 233
2 1 234 167
3 2 622 893

A ‘Phone Number’ is a weak table because it generally does not exist without a person or organization.

With a ‘Phone Number’ table you would not use a linking table. The ‘Phone Number’ table would reference back to the person table.

PersonId FistName LastName
1 Kevin Martin
2 Han Solo
3 Mace Windu
PersonPhoneId PhoneTypeId PersonId PhoneNumber
1 1 1 555-899-5543
2 1 2 (612) 233-2255
3 2 3 1+ (453) 556-9902

An entity is a table and is a single set of attributes. There is a need sometimes for entity/table inheritance when you might have a parent entity/table named Person, you would need another inherited entity/table for Employee. The Employee entity/table will store attributes (Salary, Job Title, …) that are not attributes in the Person entity/table.

Table Entity Use Case Exception A use case exception for using proper table entities is for security purposes. You might encounter a requirement for security that utilizing a linking table makes it impossible to have a discriminator like PhoneTypeId to prevent read or modifications to a row based on how the software was/is written.

This exception use can lead to table schema development issues for cases when you have a multiple entity/tables like dbo.BuyerPhone, dbo.SellerPhone, dbo.ServicerPhone, dbo.VendorPhone. With the address entity not being materialized in one dbo.Phone entity/table, the table schemas need to be kept in sync which might not occur. Ask me how I know. ;-(

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Nullable Columns with No Non-Null Records

Check Id: 150 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

If the row data in the table does not contain any NULL values you should assess setting the column to not ‘Allow Nulls’.

Null-ness does more than constraining the data, it factors in on performance optimizer decisions.

For data warehouses do not allow NULL values for dimensional tables. You can create a -1 identifier with the value of [UNKNOWN]. This helps business analysts who might not understand the difference between INNER and OUTER JOINs exclude data in their TSQL queries.

Nullable Columns and JOIN Elimination

If a column has a foreign key and nullable, it will not be trusted and JOIN Elimination will not occur, forcing your query to perform more query operations than needed.

This execution plan shows how JOIN elimination works. There is a foreign key on the column and the column does not allow null. There is only one index operation in the execution plan. SQL Server is able to eliminate JOINs because it “trusts” the data relationship.

Non-SARGable Scan vs. SARGable Seek

This execution plan shows JOIN elimination has not occurred. While there is a foreign key on the column, the column allows null. There are two index operations and a merge operation causing SQL Server to perform more work.

Non-SARGable Scan vs. SARGable Seek

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Column Named ????Id But No FK Exists

Check Id: 31

In most cases, columns with the name ????Id that are not the primary key should have a foreign key relationship to another table.

You will not get JOIN Eliminations without a foreign key and a column that allows NULLs.

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Using Table Partitions

Check Id: 157

Database table partitions should not be used to “speed up” query performance. Use an index instead.

Partitioning can make your workload run slower if the partitions are not set up correctly and your queries cannot remain within a single partition. Instead of thinking about a partition, think about an index.

Partitioning can be used as a maintenance tool for either distributing data between cold or hot storage.

Partition switching/swapping/truncating is another use case for managing large amounts of table data like in a data warehouse.

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Using Cascading Actions on Foreign Key

Check Id: 151 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Use a stored procedure or SQL command in your software code to delete data in multiple related tables instead of ON DELETE CASCADE on the foreign key.

Foreign keys with cascading actions like ON DELETE CASCADE or ON UPDATE ? perform slowly due to SQL Server taking out serializable locks (RANGEX-X) to guarantee referential integrity so that it can trust the foreign keys.

You may also receive the error message below when you utilize ON DELETE CASCADE.

Msg 1785, Level 16, State 0, Line 190
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint [ForeignKeyName] on table [TableName] may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths.
Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 190
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.

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NULL or NOT NULL Option is not Specified in CREATE or DECLARE TABLE

Check Id: 152 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

You should always explicitly define NULL or NOT NULL for columns when creating or declaring a table. The default of allowing NULLs can be changed with the database setting ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON.

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ASC or DESC is Not Specified

Check Id: 153 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

You should always explicitly define ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC). This allows others who review or edit the code to not know that ASC is the default sort order.

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Unique Constraint or Unique Indexes Usage

Check Id: 29

Create unique indexes instead of unique constraints (unique key). Doing so removes a dependency of a unique key to the unique index that is created automatically and tightly coupled.

Instead of: CONSTRAINT AddressType_AddressTypeName_Unique UNIQUE (AddressTypeName ASC)

Use: INDEX AddressType_AddressTypeName UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (AddressTypeName ASC)

In some table design cases you might need to create uniqueness for one or more columns. This could be for a natural [composite] key or to ensure a person can only have one phone number and phone type combination.

There is no functional or performance difference between a unique constraint (unique key) and a unique index. With both you get a unique index, but with a unique constraint (unique key) the ‘Ignore Duplicate Keys’ and ‘Re-compute statistics’ index creation options are not available.

The only possible benefit of a unique constraint (unique key) has over a unique index is to emphasize the purpose of the index and is displayed in the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) table ‘Keys’ folder in the ‘Object Explorer’ side pane.

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More Than 5 Indexes

Check Id: 32

Your table might be over indexed. The more you have the less performant insert, update & deletes are. A general rule of thumb is 5 indexes on a table.

A general rule is to aim for 5 indexes per table, with around 5 columns or less on each index. This is not a set-in-stone rule, but if you go beyond the general rule you should ensure you are only creating indexes that are required for the SQL Server query workload. If you have a read-only database, there will be no inserts, updates, or deletes to maintain on all those indexes.

You or your DBA should implement an index tuning strategy like below.

  1. Dedupe - reduce overlapping indexes
  2. Eliminate - unused indexes
  3. Add - badly needed missing indexes
  4. Tune - indexes for specific queries
  5. Heap - usually need clustered indexes

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Less than 2 Indexes

Check Id: 33

Your table might be under indexed. Would an index on any other column make your queries go faster?

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Disabled Index

Check Id: 34

An index rebuild or reorganization will enable disabled indexes. Delete these indexes instead of disabling them if the index or the statistics are not needed. If the metadata is still useful then just disable the index but ensure you disabled indexes are excluded from your index maintenance processes.

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Leftover Fake Index

Check Id: 35

The Index Tuning Wizard and Database Tuning Advisor create fake indexes, then getting a new execution plan for a query. These fake indexes stay behind sometimes.

To fix the issue DROP the indexes.

There are better ways to performance tune than using the wizards.

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Using sp_updatestats

Check Id: 173 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Avoid using sp_updatestats which updates statistics even if only one row is modified in a table. This can lead to a waste of system resources.

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Filter Columns Not In Index Definition

Check Id: 154 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Add the filtered columns in the INCLUDE() on your index so your queries do not need to perform a key lookup. By including the filtered columns, SQL Server generates statistics on the columns.

Instead Of:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX Account_Greater_Than_Half_Million
    ON dbo.Account (AccountName, AccountId)
    WHERE Balance > 500000;

Do This:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX Account_Greater_Than_Half_Million
    ON dbo.Account (AccountName, AccountId)
    INCLUDE (Balance)
    WHERE Balance > 500000;

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Column Has a Different Collation Than Database

Check Id: 36

This could cause issues if the code is not aware of different collations and does include features to work with them correctly.

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Low Index Fill-Factor

Check Id: 37

The default fill factor is (100 or 0) for SQL Server. This check is alerting you to a fill factor of 80% or lower.

Best practice is to ONLY use a low fill factor on indexes where you know you need it. Setting a low fill factor on too many indexes will hurt your performance:

  • Wasted space in storage
  • Wasted space in memory (and therefore greater memory churn)
  • More IO, and with it higher CPU usage

Review indexes diagnosed with low fill factor. Check how much they’re written to. Look at the keys and determine whether insert and update patterns are likely to cause page splits.

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Untrusted Foreign Key or Check Constraints

Check Id: 38

SQL Server is not going to consider using untrusted constraints to compile a better execution plan. This can have a huge performance impact on your database queries.

You might have disabled a constraint instead of dropping and recreating it for bulk loading data. This is fine, if you remember to enable it correctly.


The CHECK CHECK syntax is correct. The 1st CHECK is the end of WITH CHECK statement. The 2nd CHECK is the start of the CHECK CONSTRAINT clause to enable the constraint

To find untrusted foreign keys and check constraints in your database run the script below to identify and create an ALTER statement to correct the issue. In Redgate SQL Prompt the snippet code is fk. If you receive an error with the generated ALTER statement it means past constraint violations have been being suppressed by WITH NOCHECK. You will have to figure out how to fix the rows that do not comply with the constraint.

    SchemaName =
   ,TableName  =
   ,ObjectName =
   ,ObjectType = 'FOREIGN KEY'
    sys.foreign_keys       AS FK
    INNER JOIN sys.tables  AS T
        ON FK.parent_object_id = T.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S
        ON T.schema_id         = S.schema_id
    FK.is_not_trusted         = 1
AND FK.is_not_for_replication = 0


    SchemaName =
   ,TableName  =
   ,ObjectName =
   ,ObjectType = 'CHECK CONSTRAINT'
    sys.check_constraints  AS CC
    INNER JOIN sys.tables  AS T
        ON CC.parent_object_id = T.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S
        ON T.schema_id         = S.schema_id
    CC.is_not_trusted         = 1
AND CC.is_not_for_replication = 0
AND CC.is_disabled            = 0
    SchemaName ASC
   ,TableName ASC
   ,ObjectName ASC;

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Disabled Check Constraint

Check Id: 40

You should check to see if it was on purpose that you have a disabled check constraint.

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Unrelated to Any Other Table

Check Id: 41

This is just a sanity check to let you know there is a table that does not have any foreign keys. This can be ok, but it is normally unlikely seeing you are using a relational database. 😉

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uniqueidentifier in a Clustered Index

Check Id: 22

uniqueidentifier/guid columns should not be in a clustered index. Even NEWSEQUENTIALID() should not be used in a clustered index. The sequential uniqueidentifier/guid is based on the SQL Server’s MAC address. When an Availability Group fails over the next uniqueidentifier/guid will not be sequential anymore.

With modern hardware like SSD or NVMe flash drives is no longer necessary to perform index rebuilds and reorganization.

Perform update statistics nightly if your tables are not too large for auto-update stats to properly handle the number of modifications occurring.

SQL Server will bad page split and fragment an index when a new record is inserted instead of being inserting on the last page using standard best practices for index maintenance. The clustered index will become fragmented because of randomness of uniqueidentifier/guid. Index maintenance set to the default fill factor of 0 (packed 100%) will force bad page splits.

A use case for when you can use uniqueidentifier/guid as a primary key & clustered index, is when there are separate systems and merging rows would be difficult. The uniqueness of uniqueidentifier/guid simplifies the data movements.

DBAs have historically not implemented uniqueidentifier/guid as primary keys and/or clustered indexes. The traditional index maintenance jobs would keep the uniqueidentifier/guid indexes in a perpetual state of fragmentation causing bad page splits, which is an expensive process.

A new index maintenance strategy is to name these uniqueidentifier/guid indexes with the ending “*_INDEX_REBUILD_ONLY” and create a customized index maintenance plan. One job step will perform the standard index maintenance ignoring the uniqueidentifier/guid indexes and another job step will only perform an index rebuild, skipping index reorganizations. Ola Hallengren maintenance scripts 🗗 is recommended.

These uniqueidentifier/guid indexes should be created and rebuilt with a custom fill factor to account for at least a weeks’ worth of data. This is not a “set it, and forget it” maintenance plan and will need some looking after.

These are a 400 level tasks and please feel free to reach out to a DBA for assistance.

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Missing Index for Foreign Key

Check Id: 21

Each foreign key in your table should be included in an index in the primary key position. If you have a UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED index with multiple keys, ensure foreign key columns not in the primary key location also get their own NONCLUSTERED index in the primary key position.

Start off with an index on just the foreign key column if you have no workload to tune a multi-column index. There is a real good chance the indexes will be used when queries join on the parent table.

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Missing Primary Key

Check Id: 20

Every table should have a column that uniquely identifies one and only one row. It makes it much easier to maintain the data.

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Not Using a Surrogate Key

Check Id: 162

Surrogate keys offer stable uniqueness for data management not tied to the possible changing business data. Unlike changing natural keys, surrogate keys remain consistent. They simplify coding with single JOIN clauses, enhance query efficiency, and ensure reliable integration, benefiting data integrity and efficiency with more compact indexes.

A surrogate key is consistently unique. Consequently, during data migration, you can be confident that duplicate keys won’t arise – the system will generate fresh, distinct keys for the newly inserted data.

Put natural key(s) in a unique index to guarantees no duplicate values and therefore every row in the table is in some way unique.

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uniqueidentifier For Primary Key

Check Id: 8

Using uniqueidentifier/guid as primary keys causes issues with SQL Server databases. uniqueidentifier/guid are unnecessarily wide (4x wider than an INT).

uniqueidentifiers/guids are not user friendly when working with data. PersonId = 2684 is more user friendly then PersonId = 0B7964BB-81C8-EB11-83EC-A182CB70C3ED.

uniqueidentifier For Primary Key

A use case for when you can use uniqueidentifier/guid as primary keys, is when there are separate systems and merging rows would be difficult. The uniqueness of uniqueidentifier/guid simplifies the data movements.

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Wide Table

Check Id: 3

Do you have more than 20 columns? You might be treating this table like a spreadsheet. You might need to redesign your table schema.

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Check Id: 6

Add a clustered index.

SQL Server storage is built around the clustered index as a fundamental part of the data storage and retrieval engine. The data itself is stored with the clustered key. All this makes having an appropriate clustered index a vital part of database design. The places where a table without a clustered index is preferable are rare; which is why a missing clustered index is a common code smell in database design.

A ‘table’ without a clustered index is a heap, which is a particularly bad idea when its data is usually returned in an aggregated form, or in a sorted order. Paradoxically, though, it can be rather good for implementing a log or a ‘staging’ table used for bulk inserts, since it is read very infrequently, and there is less overhead in writing to it.

A table with a non-clustered index, but without a clustered index can sometimes perform well even though the index must reference individual rows via a Row Identifier rather than a more meaningful clustered index. The arrangement can be effective for a table that isn’t often updated if the table is always accessed by a non-clustered index and there is no good candidate for a clustered index.

Heaps have performance issues like table scans, forward fetches.

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Not Normalizing Tables

Check Id: 155 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Database Normalizing 🗗 tables is regarded as a best practice methodology for relational databases design. Relational database tables should be normalized to at least the Boyce–Codd normal form (BCNF or 3.5NF) 🗗.

These normalizing principles are used to reduce data duplication, avoid data anomalies, ensure table relationship integrity, and make data management simplified.

A normalize table design like addresses and phone numbers in separate tables allows for extensibility when the requirements today might only call for a single phone number or address. You can utilize a UNIQUE constraint/index to ensure only a single row can exist but allows for flexibility in the future. You will already have the Phone table so you will not have to create a new table and migrate the data and drop the UNIQUE constraint/index.

You should always normalize the database schema unless you have a really good reason not to. Denormalizing has been performed in the past with the saying “Normalize until it hurts, denormalize until it works”. Denormalization almost always leads to eventual issues. Denormalization complicates updates, deletes & inserts making the database difficult to modify. We have tools like indexes or materialized views and covering indexes to remediate performance issues. There are query rewriting techniques that can make queries more performant.

A legally binding entity like a contract that will be created as an immutable snapshot can contain redundant data. This helps with possible future reprinting of documents. Consider using an auditable append-only Ledger table.

If data is denormalized there are methods of keeping denormalized or duplicated data values correct. The data should be strongly consistency instead of eventually consistent.

Strongly consistent is with the use of transactions that will not allow the data to be out-of-sync like in stored procedure, triggers are the next best option, but triggers have performance issues.

Eventually consistent methods are something like jobs that run at a predetermined or event-based time to sync the denormalized (duplicate) data. Eventually consistent leaves a gap of time, even if for milliseconds, that could cause data consistency issues.

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Not Using Lookup or Reference Table

Check Id: 168 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

Utilize lookup or reference tables that contain status or type attributes values. Lookup or reference tables can be used to enforce allowable status or types with foreign key constraints. Lookup tables can be used in drop-down lists for user interfaces.

Avoid using ‘catch all’ or ‘common lookup’ tables as they are generally an anti-pattern. You do not want to create a generic lookup table named dbo.Type to be used for a dbo.Phone table to indicate mobile, home, or a fax PhoneType. You will want to create a dbo.PhoneType table that contains only allowable lookup values for maintaining database integrity.

CREATE TABLE Application.AddressType (
    AddressTypeId          tinyint           NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1)
   ,AddressTypeName        nvarchar(50)      NOT NULL
   ,AddressTypeShortName   nvarchar(10)      NOT NULL
   ,AddressTypeDescription nvarchar(300)     NULL
   ,SortOrderNumber        int               NULL
   ,IsDefaultFlag          bit               NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_IsDefaultFlag_Default DEFAULT (0)
   ,IsLockedFlag           bit               NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_IsLockedFlag_Default DEFAULT (0)
   ,IsActiveFlag           bit               NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_IsActiveFlag_Default DEFAULT (1)
   ,RowModifyPersonId      int               NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_Application_RowModifyPerson FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Application.Person (PersonId)
   ,RowCreatePersonId      int               NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_Application_RowCreatePerson FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Application.Person (PersonId)
   ,RowModifyTime          datetimeoffset(7) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_RowModifyTime_Default DEFAULT (SYSDATETIMEOFFSET())
   ,RowCreateTime          datetimeoffset(7) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_RowCreateTime_Default DEFAULT (SYSDATETIMEOFFSET())
   ,RowVersionStamp        rowversion        NOT NULL
   ,CONSTRAINT Application_AddressType_AddressTypeId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (AddressTypeId ASC)
   ,INDEX Application_AddressType_AddressTypeName_AddressTypeShortName UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (AddressTypeName ASC, AddressTypeShortName ASC)
   ,INDEX Application_AddressType_RowModifyPersonId NONCLUSTERED (RowModifyPersonId ASC)
   ,INDEX Application_AddressType_RowCreatePersonId NONCLUSTERED (RowCreatePersonId ASC)

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System Versioned Temporal Tables are not Compressed

Check Id: 30

By default, the history table is PAGE compressed for System Versioned Temporal Tables.

The SQL script below will check for the issue and provide an ALTER TSQL statement to apply page compression. Do not forget to change ONLINE to ON OR OFF.

    SchemaName      =
   ,TableName       =
   ,DataCompression = P.data_compression_desc
    sys.partitions         AS P
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS I
        ON I.object_id = P.object_id
        AND I.index_id = P.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS O
        ON I.object_id = O.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.tables  AS T
        ON O.object_id = T.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S
        ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id
    T.temporal_type    = 1 /* HISTORY_TABLE */
AND I.type             <> 5 /* CLUSTERED */
AND P.data_compression <> 2 /* Not Page compressed, which is the default for system-versioned temporal tables */
   , ASC;

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Not Using Optimistic Concurrency

Check Id: 178 Not implemented yet. Click here to add the issue if you want to develop and create a pull request.

If you are using Read Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI), with its row versioning mechanism, it serves as an optimistic concurrency control mechanism. RCSI transactions read and modify data without holding locks, assuming that conflicts are rare.

When it comes time to commit changes, your SQL code can check for conflicts by comparing the current version of the data with the version that the transaction initially read with a rowversion column (formerly known as timestamp). This methodology prevents the “Last UPDATE wins” scenario. The “last UPDATE wins” scenario occurs when two transactions try to update the same record, and the final update overwrites the changes made by the other transaction, potentially leading to data loss.

Check out sp_CRUDGen 🗗 (by Kevin Martin) as it will generate optimistic concurrent stored procedures for you when a table rowversion column exists.

Optimistic concurrency is a strategy used in SQL Server to handle concurrent access to table data by multiple users, client apps, or processes. Instead of last UPDATE wins

The key idea behind optimistic concurrency is to assume that conflicts are rare and that transactions can proceed independently until they attempt to commit changes. At that point, the system checks for conflicts and resolves them if necessary.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AddressUpdate (
    @AddressId      int
   ,@Line1          nvarchar(100)
   ,@Line2          nvarchar(100)
   ,@CityTownId     int
   ,@PostalCode     nvarchar(12)
   ,@ModifyPersonId int
   ,@ModifyTime     datetimeoffset(7)
   ,@VersionStamp   rowversion /* ← Look here */

            Line1 = @Line1
           ,Line2 = @Line2
           ,CityTownId = @CityTownId
           ,PostalCode = @PostalCode
           ,ModifyPersonId = @ModifyPersonId
           ,ModifyTime = @ModifyTime
            AddressId    = @AddressId
        AND VersionStamp = @VersionStamp; /* ← Look here */


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